Qizhen Zheng
Published: 2019-10-21  
Institute            Department of Civil Engineering

Research Area            · Reliability Evaluation and   Computing Theory of Structure Design
            · Inspection and Reinforcement of Building Structure
Contact Info.zhengqz@usst.edu.cn

Profession Title
·Professor of   Architecture and Environment Institute
·Dean of basic college of Science and Technology University of Shanghai
·Leader and master   supervisor of Structure Engineering

Main Courses
The Design   Principle of Steel Structure ( for bachelor )
Higher Concrete   Structure ( for graduate student )

Main Scientific   Achievements
Prof. Zheng has conducted scientific projects that issued by   nation and Shanghai municipality for more than 20 times. He had published   more than 80 papers at important publication such as Journal of Civil   Engineering and Journal of Building Structure. Furthermore, he has won the   third prize of science and technology advancement of Shanghai, the third   prize of Huaxia construction science and technology advancement, which was   conducted by CABR Cup. He possessed 3 innovative patents as well as 6   practical patens. Meantime, he has published three reference books and one   professional work. The courses he managed was awarded excellent courses of   Shanghai and won the second prize of teaching achievements of Shanghai. In   2009, he was awarded as Shanghai prominent educator.

Main academic   Community
Shanghai Soil   Mechanics and Geotechnics specialized committee 
Shanghai Building   Industrialized Technology committee

Address: No.516 Jun Gong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai,200093,P R China
School of Environment and Architecture
TEL:021-55275979 E-mail:sea@usst.edu.cn